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Pest Management

Gypsy Moth

There may be three opportunities for the BugBarrier Tree Band to stop gypsy moth and interrupt its lifecycle. It can be applied anytime from early spring through late winter. After New Years, however, it should be removed and a new band applied the following spring.

1) In the summer, during their period of peak feed activity, Gypsy Moth caterpillars take frequent trips (sometimes daily) down the trunk to spend the heat of the day in the cooler understory. They then crawl back up in the evening. These larvae are able to cross down over BugBarrier Tree Band to reach the ground but cannot cross the band to get back into the canopy, thereby reducing infestation levels and tree defoliation.

2) BugBarrier Tree Band can also be applied in early spring as a protective measure to stop young larvae hatched in the lower part of the tree, or in nearby areas, from climbing up to feed on the foliage of uninfested trees.

3) The third opportunity to stop Gypsy Moth is in late summer though fall. The band will stop the egg-laden female adults from climbing the tree. It won't stop them from laying eggs. They will lay them wherever they happen to be. However, egg masses will be concentrated below the band, 
making it easier to identify them, scrape them from the bark and destroy them before they can hatch and climb to their food source in the canopy

Spring & Fall Cankerworm

The Bug Barrier Tree Band, applied before spring, traps egg-ladened female adults in the same was as Fall Cankerworms, just earlier in the season. 

The BugBarrier Tree Band, applied just before the first fall frost, traps flightless female adults as they climb the tree to lay their eggs. Unlike the gypsy moth, the Fall Cankerworms do not lay their eggs wherever they happen to be. They get caught on the band's adhesive film and die without laying eggs, interrupting their lifecycle.

 Winter Moth

Similar to the life cycle of the fall cankerworm, Winter Moths emerge from the soil in November. Install the BugBarrier Tree Band just before the first frost to trap the egg-laden females as they climb to lay their eggs in the tree.

Forest Tent Caterpillars and Other Climbing and Crawling Pests

Arborists from across North America have found that the Bug Barrier Tree Band will effectively stop most climbing and crawling pests by stopping them from climbing through bark crevices, and catching them in the adhesive film.


Envirometrics Systems Inc.
21 Framark Dr. Unit 657
Victor, NY 14564

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